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PTSA Scholarship Opportunities

Email Vibha Burman, Scholarship Chair with any questions at:


Seven Lakes High School

PTSA Student Scholarship Guidelines
Application Deadline: March 21st, 2025 at 2:35 p.m. – NO EXCEPTIONS


All applications should be submitted to the SLHS Counselor’s Office via email to Sheree Norton,


The Seven Lakes High School PTSA awards scholarships to graduating seniors to encourage recipients to
pursue higher education. Award selections are made based on academic and non-academic achievement,
service, community impact and leadership.

The selection committee consists of three members, none of whom are associated with SLHS. The
information that the committee receives will have all personal identifying information of the applicants
removed to ensure anonymity and fairness.

Incomplete applications will not be considered, so please complete ALL the requirements listed below.


Application Requirements: 

1. Applicant must be a graduating senior in good standing* at SLHS and must have attended SLHS for his/her entire junior and senior year.

2. Applicant and at least one parent/guardian must have been members of the SLHS PTSA both the applicant’s junior year and by March 21st of the applicant’s senior year.

3. Applicant must have a high school GPA of 2.8 or higher and must submit a copy of his/her transcript with their application package.

4. The applicant is required to submit two letters of recommendation, one from each of the following categories: 


a. Any SLHS faculty member or administrator

b. Any other adult selected by the student, as long as they are not related to the applicant (e.g., employer, coach, pastor, youth leader, trusted adult etc.) 


Note: Out of courtesy, applicant should provide at least two weeks’ notice to those writing letters of recommendation for them. Only one letter of recommendation can come from SLHS faculty, staff or admin.

5. Applicant must submit a resume of their activities. It should cover their entire high school career and should be listed chronologically. Be sure to include the following:

a. Extracurricular activities

(clubs, athletics, fine arts programs, music, scholastic competitions, student council, Spartans Out Serving, etc.)

b. Employment experience

c. Community impact

(church activities, service organizations, athletic clubs, etc.)


d. Any special recognition or awards received while participating in the above activities


e. Leadership positions and attributes


6. Applicant must submit a typed essay of 250 words or less that addresses one of the following prompts:


a. Describe a challenging experience or obstacle you have faced in your life. How did you
overcome it, and what did you learn from the experience that will help you in your future

b. Reflect on a time when you made a positive impact in your community or helped someone
in need. What inspired you to act, and how did your involvement affect your community
and your own personal development?

c. Explain a family, social or school situation, in which your leadership made the difference.
What was accomplished?


ï‚· Applicants who receive a full-ride scholarship will not be eligible for the PTSA Scholarship.

If a student initially awarded the PTSA Scholarship subsequently receives a full-ride scholarship, the PTSA Scholarship will be awarded to the next eligible candidate on the list.

ï‚· Scholarships are paid directly to the university, college, or technical school.

(Please be aware that some schools may choose to split the scholarship between the Fall and Spring semester, a decision over which SLHS PTSA has no control.

ï‚· DEFINE “GOOD STANDING”- applicant has no current disciplinary issues

(proof of which will be verified through SLHS administration)




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Texas PTA Scholarship
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Details Coming Soon 
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